Born Anew
“Born Anew” is a collection of over 20 poems reflective of my inner and outer journey of the past few years. Some poems are more light-hearted and optimistic. Some explore the bleakness of realising how much of our lives have been lies. All are pieces I am proud of and that I believe are worth sharing with you.
Some of these poems were first published via Over To The Youth. Some are derived from various songwriting projects of my youth. Some are entirely new for this book. If you’d like a taster for what the book has to offer, I have made the following poems from the book freely available for all:
“Born Anew” is out now physically for £4.99, or digitally for £0.99 from my website, . Use the buttons below to navigate there.
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing support. To be in a situation where I can say I have a book of my own creation is still surreal. Buying my book will allow me to keep creating meaningful works in my ongoing mission to help move humanity out of being guided by fear narratives. Giving people better narratives to live by sounds to me like a good means of accomplishing that.