
Authentic Expression with David Cordes

A Tribe Podcast Episode

In this conversation, I am joined by my good friend and mentor David Cordes. David has an extensive background of working with charities, including founding Boys To Men Canada as a mentoring program for at-risk young men. He now runs a 12-week course, The Journey Home, exploring where we have built up false belief systems about ourselves based on previous traumatic experience, and re-mapping our responses to help us step in to our most authentic selves.

In this conversation, we discuss how we become disconnected from our authentic selves and how we might begin to re-navigate to that “home”. We also talk about how many of the issues we see in society are manifestations of the false belief systems that live within us, and how we have created the world we currently live in.

To find out more about David’s work, you can watch some of the other interviews he has done with Brad Miller for IPAK-EDU, and with my good friend

, which I will link below.

Watch David's Interview with Brad Miller

Rain Trozzi
Fostering authentic masculinity with David Cordes
I had the recent pleasure of interviewing my mentor David Cordes. David stepped into the role of Mentor for myself and Over to the Youth members during our inception in early 2022, and has served our community diligently ever since. In this powerful video, David shares the emotional story of his early childhood trauma, and the healing he found as an adu…
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You can get in touch with David directly via his website using the button below:

See More From David

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this piece. It's incredibly heartwarming to know you are here and believe in the work I'm doing, and I can't wait to be able to share more with you and the rest of the world soon.

With gratitude,

I’m Tom Shaw - a poet & writer from a dying empire near you. Subscribe for free to receive updates, and consider making a financial contribution to support my work.

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