
Children who know themselves.


Children who know themselves???

Let's see. Who is my inner child? *What* is my inner child??


My inner child is an addict of giddy happiness, dedicated to tricks like "Watch this!", then doing something silly.

If I get that rare genuine belly laugh, then I know it was worth all the "Ow, I meant to do that" fails, and all the ridiculous never-ending dad jokes.


mark spark


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I want the same as you Tom. Thank you for the beautiful poem. 🙏

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You're very welcome, I'm glad it resonated with you!

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Stuff I Don't Know If...

[We = people]

We've isolated a virus.

We went to the moon.

We infect each other and catch disease from each other. .

We still have a constitutional republic somewhere somehow.

We are inherently selfish by nature.

I don't know why we tell ourselves such things.

I don't believe any of that stuff.


Warning, Tom. I'm gonna steal some of your phrases. I can't help it.

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Feel free to!

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Thanks Tom

Even though I make silly jokes, I do appeciate the help.


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Loved the poem, alot of us were in the same boat, I couldn't believe people queued up for vaccines, and how everyone was falling for this, including my own family and I'm 72, I got covid from my vaccinated relatives and they had covid 2 and 3 times, and who would trust WHO?? I've lost trust in medical establishment, governments and MSM, I don't think I know my family anymore, and it has been very isolating.

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I hear you. It's been a very testing time for me and it put many of my close relationships under strain. And I have lost trust in many of those institutions too. While I don't agree with some of his recent takes on issues, I am reminded of a video that Konstantin Kishin did some time back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0ZY3VWYKzQ

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Outstanding! So much wisdom and love poured into forging this piece.

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